PROJECT: Like a Dream
LOCATION: Auyan Tepui, Canaima National Park, Venezuela.
BY: Gustavo Moser
PROJECT: Like a Dream
LOCATION: Auyan Tepui, Canaima National Park, Venezuela.
BY: Gustavo Moser
PROJECT: Like a Dream
LOCATION: Auyan Tepui, Canaima National Park, Venezuela.
BY: Gustavo Moser
In 2014, seven friends coordinated a never before seen rock-climbing expedition to the top of Auyan Tepui in Venezuela. The mission was to escape the world and develop rock climbing routes in one of the most secluded and less explored areas of South America. For 21 days they were submerged in a spiritual journey that eventually inspired the birth of a sustainability project whose goal is to empower rock climbing and sustainable adventure tourism in Venezuela.
This expedition marked the beginning of the ongoing Tepui Project.
In 2014, seven friends coordinated a never before seen rock-climbing expedition to the top of Auyan Tepui in Venezuela. The mission was to escape the world and develop rock climbing routes in one of the most secluded and less explored areas of South America. For 21 days they were submerged in a spiritual journey that eventually inspired the birth of a sustainability project whose goal is to empower rock climbing and sustainable adventure tourism in Venezuela.
This expedition marked the beginning of the ongoing Tepui Project.
Hueco Tanks P H O T O G R A P H Y
Do you and your crew want photos of your Hueco memories?
In the last 20 years, I have logged over 400 days in Hueco as a climber, photographer, and guide. After countless tries, fails, falls, sends, laughs, screams, flappers, photos, sunsets, and new friends, I have reached a simple conclusion: Hueco is a magical and mystical place. A climbing experience like no other. A factory of unforgettable memories.

Starting this year, I'm combining all the park has taught me to offer a unique photography service. Choose from a wide variety of photography packages, and let's document your Hueco experience.

Package 1 - "A Day In Hueco"
250.00 USD
Let's document the experience of a day in Hueco from start to finish. (Click Here For Example Photoshoot)
Perfect for individual or group outings, I will be photographing everything that encompasses a day in Hueco. This package includes an album of all the photos of the day plus 20 edited photos of your choosing. All photos will be sent to you in high resolution (for print) and low resolution (for social media).
Expect lifestyle photos, portraits, climbing, hiking, and whatever shenanigans that can happen on any given day at Hueco tanks!!

Package 2 - "Coorporate Outings"
Perfect for company retreats, product shoots, climbing team and youth outings, these photoshoots are individually tailored to document the relevant material needed by the client.
Quantity of photos and depth of photo edition will will be coordinated on a client by client bases. Lets get on the phone and have a short meeting.
Package 3 - "The Process"
Would you like to document your battle with a Hueco classic? Let's do it!
I will be your photographer as you and your crew go through the process of sending the climb of your dreams. Be it to document a multi-day effort or just for a quick photoshoot on your favorite Hueco rig, let's coordinate and figure out what you need.

Package 4 - "No Package, just a couple shots"
Took a couple a shots that you liked?